Note: This note is pure observation. In observation, I am aware how the tone of the not sounds. It can come across as offensive to some. This is not my intention. I'm simply offering my observation.
If there is ANYTHING that represents how much society has not progressed; if there is ANYTHING to demonstrate the sinful nature of man and how spiritually active he is in his darkness, it is revealed by what man does. Below are my thoughts built up on the topics of our societies pop-culture expressed through film and other media's, in the last 3 years. In my observations and thoughts I've concluded that non-believers:
1. Worship Death
I loved the first Final Destination movie that came out. It was a great concept and horror film. Then the sequels started. Although death is the main character in the film, it is clear that the point of the film was to delight or be grossed out in new ways how death can kill people for entertainments sake. The third one was stupid and it scarred me. I woke up and realised that I'm watching a film that is purposely trying to scar me for life and desensitise my conscience to it's evil nature.
Other movies also exalt death by having baddies, goodies or nobody’s die in post-modern ways (Saw Series, Wolf Creek, Titanic, 2012, Cube, Candyman Series, Alien, Predator, etc). What is it about watching people suffer painful deaths? Why is it enjoyable to exalt death by watching death kill people in new and exciting ways?
If it's not watching people die, it's exploring the underworld like hell in Spawn or Little Nicki, Mordor (from LOTR), or creatures of death like vampires, balrog’s, spirit’s, demonoids, goblins etc. Look at ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 3’, ‘Demonic’, Disney’s ‘Sinbad’, or the recent ‘Percy Jackson & The Lighning Thief’.
2. Worship The Demonic/ Occult
There is easy proof that non-believers are attracted too and love the occult. Harry Potter anyone? Even TV shows like Medium, B-Witched, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Supernatural. Don’t forget famous cartoons like Dragon Ball Z, Digimon or Pokemon etc. Oddly enough where occultism is demonism is. Wherever demonism is occultism is. ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ is a great example of this. Percy Jackson, by definition, is a nephilim or demon in the flesh. Yet this is a film many children can go see.
The occult take great pride in gaining their magic power from ‘hidden knowledge’. You can learn about how exactly they gained this ‘hidden knowledge’ from reading the a-biblical, Book of Enoch. It is quoted from a few times in the bible. Paul even prophesied to warn our generation about deceitful spirits and the doctrines of demons.
1 Timothy 4:1 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
The doctrines of demon would be the ‘forbidden knowledge’ that the nephilim or ‘sons of god’* passed on to mankind before the flood. In the occult of all different traditions, this is a common thing to do – to call on what we’d call a demon to receive forbidden knowledge to operate in magick and power. Arab magicians (called Muqarribun), would gain forbidden knowledge from the Djin. In Arab traditions, the Djinn were a superhuman race that existed before mankind and believed that they still do to this day. These demon’s are what we’d called ‘genies’.
For a magician, warlock or witch to obtain power, it’s source was in the demonic. These beings apparently pass on this forbidden knowledge to this day. And this is what the public are wanting to watch, divine human beings – the mixings of blood between man and animal, time, elements, metals, angels, demons, insects, etc.
The Book of Enoch talks not only about the passing of forbidden knowledge, but also how the Watchers/ Nephilim experimented with strange flesh. In human art we see god-humans crossed with animals such as Sumerian, Greek and Egyptian gods. Let’s bring that to today’s context – AVATAR, Power Rangers, Spiderman, Jedi, Shadow Man, X-Men, Super Man, Manhattan, Rorschach, Fantastic Four, Bird Man.
They all play roles as redeemers, saviours, kings, mighty men, WATCHERS. If they are not crossed with anything, they have money, power, outstanding human attributes (speed, intelligence, etc.).
Avatar not explores the topic of strange flesh, but merges alien-life with a merging of forest-life and sea-life with a brain-life. Let’s face it. Non-believers believe in the supernatural! They can’t keep out of it and can’t stop exalting false divine beings.
If it’s not the screen or comics, we should look at the gaming industry. Final Fantasy anyone? It’s a full-on New Age game that merges biblical monsters, hindu gods, Arabic monsters and legends, greek monsters, EVERYTHING that’s mythical, legendary and spiritually cool and hip to make best selling games. As the player, you possess monsters powers and summon them to destroy your enemies. I don’t know what’s worse, me playing the game – feeding myself a desire to accumulate and exercise such demonic power, or the final boss of the game.
- * Other names of nephilim is the Djinns (Arab), Nagas (Hindu), Titans (Greek), Anakim or Watchers or Fallen Angels (Hebrew), Rephaim, Giants, the Els, Ari, Elders, Olympians, Dragon Kings, Djedi (think Jedi), the Elect, Asuras, Illies, Fomorians, Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Dagons, Amaraka, the Ana, Naddred, the Rakshasas, the Dogons, Bent Ones, Promethians, Cyclopeans, Uranids, Sons of Zadok.
Before we go on, I’d like to talk briefly about shows and games like Digimon and Pokemon. If you ever watch these things progress – power and ‘cool’ is a necessity for these programs to keep going. Digimon goes into owners having their digimon evolving into divine angelic monsters to slay demonic monsters. Pokemon have now made certain pokemon that are worshipped by people and cultures. Pokemon of time, pokemon of space, pokemon of seas – the game-player gets to possess the powers of such godly/divine monsters and use them to win battles. This is witch-craft. Instead of a wand, you have Pokeballs.
3. Worship Of All Things Fallen, Including Self
Essentially all these types of movies, all the games and TV series boil down to one thing: self.
Essentially all these types of movies, all the games and TV series boil down to one thing: self.
We aspire or entertain the idea that we can wield the power of God’s or that we are protected by them. If it’s not a film about anything spiritual, just look at how that guy dodged that bullet – James Bond is a super human. All the stunning actors and their perfect movements, the light showing their chiselled pecks or their cleavage – the super human.
We are constantly fed our desires on screen to entertain us. I can see why the Perfect Law of the Hebrew’s is of no affect to us in ministering death and condemnation – us gentile’s have pop-culture to make us feel worthless instead. At least we’re entertained with the demonic and the perfect image of man.
And then we have movies like Titanic, Gladiator, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, I Am Legend, etc that remind us that the world is going to end. In these films, there is no redeemer. Only the glory of man's pride failing. So whatever demon or idol we ga-ga over to build ourselves up, the next film can destroy that sens of glory by reminding us how despicable, fragile, arrogant or stupid we are.
I remember going to the movies and seeing the preview for 2012. Pissed off I yelled out jokingly: “Everyone! Pick a faith no!” You see, since a movie’s target audience is for the general public, you don’t want to be too religious. So you’re left with two options – be new age or be a dickhead.
It would be interesting to note that the most successful recent film Avatar, has merged many faiths and philosophies together. What an offence to dedicated Buddhists, Christian’s, Muslims, etc.
But then you can try and do a popular end-times movie like 2012, that doesn’t say which religion is right. Part from the nice plug of Buddhism and the swearing of God’s name in this film, essentially all faiths are condemned and trashed because none of their God’s saved them. It was survival of the fittest all along and not the survival of the faiths – Darwin wins! I don’t think the director had any religious agenda in this film, I think he wanted to do a fun end-time movie thriller (which I thought was a flop anyways).
What’s funny is that these producers expect me to buy a film that promotes New Age, Death, Demonic influences, Fallen Man glorified, the doom of mankind and creation and god-men. I know I’m a hypocrite and still go to the movies. As much as it sounds like I’m condemning producers, their films and other media, this is simply a strong observation I’ve had on current media. I can’t go to certain movies anymore. I spiritually can’t take it now. I actually feel sick. Much more is indeed being expressed in media than what should be intended for even mature age audiences.
At least our post-modern culture proves that fallen man is not spiritual and not ignorant.
I hope this blog entry has challenged you to see how spiritual our culture REALLY is. Satan has worked so subtly in denying that he or anything demonic exists or is at work within our culture. We’ve become a Babylon – a gateway for all faiths, philosophies, Gods, angels and demons to oppress us. Sit back and observe what is happening! How is the church promoting awareness of such spiritual toxicity that seeps through our current day culture? How do we say no to this invasion of the demonic and further perversion?
To finish up, I think what Paul says is crucial in the time we are living in:
2 Cor 4:3-5 But even if our Gospel (the glad tidings) also be hidden (obscured and covered up with a veil that hinders the knowledge of God), it is hidden only to those who are perishing and obscured only to those who are spiritually dying and veiled only to those who are lost. For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God. For what we preach is not ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves [merely] as your servants (slaves) for Jesus' sake.
So society has not progressed - different technology but same struggles; same sinful nature; same fallen creation state; same selfish desires; same dedication to sin, demonism and occultism. Fallen man is spiritual, just spiritually blinded by the god over demons and spirits. Blinded through their spreading of delusion, fear and desire mixed with the occult, demonism, worthless idols and images of fallen man. Man is still in a sorrowful state. Pray that God may show his hands of salvation this year to those who want sight.
As Christian's we strive to be like no super-human or sexy man or girl in the media. We strive not for power, authority, influence, forbidden knowledge, etc. We rest knowing the truth that we are living in Christ’s image here on earth as we live in His spirit. Christ must be preached so that He may deliver people from blindness! May God lead us to pray against the enemy that uses the arts against God’s creation, so today's Babylon will stop destroying artists, destroying towns, communities and families.
Seeing much of the arts, the cry still comes from the soul-searching painter Gauguin. His question was the title of his last work, in which after this attempted suicide. His question was one of despair and desparation: "Who Are We/ Where did we come from? Where are we going?"
This question is still being explored today through the arts. This is seriously an ethereal dilemma.
What are you going to do about this?