I see the sinful gods of Egypt, fully cover you
Don’t think that I’ve not noticed what you’ve come to be
Like Pharaoh and like Herod you want to kill me
I gave you grace and a chance to love me in the things that I provided
But when we bought the saints together, your mind became divided
Now you get drunk on the glory of saints and make my people serve you
Your pride forces men to be your slaves but they do not deserve you
You draw out the chords and condemn them and whip them into line
And declare that the God of the heaven’s has made you their agent divine
But the time is coming near, when people will see right through you
And my people will leave and do greater things and completely outdo you
You do mighty signs and miracles, on your own faith and not mine
You rely on manmade mammon and turn your own water to wine
It’s not in me you do these things, but your faith in other things
You’re relying on power not from me but on the Slave that enslaves kings
You raise your instrument to your lips and the crowds stand in awe
As the serpent rises from it’s basket and beckons you to play some more
Who does the crowd worship and adore? The serpent or it’s player?
Who is the one who is holding the crowd? The words or the soothsayer?
The people throw their gold, they feel blessed and good for the day
Both the serpent and it’s player; the secret partnerships is made
But you don’t know if you’re the player, or the serpent that packs the venom
The binds are a curse of both poison and lure, do you dare to work together?
You have silks and diamonds from the slaves with the serpent on your brow
But is it you or is it the serpents that aims for the glory now?
It seems you wield such authority on the stage and throne abound
But why is the serpent above you on your jewel encrusted crown?
Your soul cries out it’s never enough, and your desires cry out for more
None shall stand above you, so you order your image to walls
You place your image in the courtyards and hope people believe sincerely
That you are a righteous and wise-man who loves everyone so dearly
But you stifle the Promise to many; those that rise up you tear down
Your fear that the serpent may glorify them and that you may lose your crown
So you hypnotise and soothsay away to the masses who adore you
Changing the story ever so slightly so that man may bow down before you
For they are waiting for the God you promised, your ears perk to the sound of murmur
But at all costs you must stay on top as you admirably justify murder
Now you murder the firstborn but declare to all you’re doing this in love
But you are inwardly consumed by your growing fears that one shall arise above
The masses are confused but blindly trust in the one who they’re taught to submit to
They fast and they pray to a God far away; as religion makes God hard to get to
But lo and behold, you strike up the music, a triumphant message you bring
You’ve now discovered, your not fully human, but both God, man and king
The serpent sparkles upon your brow, the phylacteries smile in your radiance
The jewels on your gown worship you as man bows down to your presence
Wherever you go, whatever you do the laws say that man must extol you
But as you head to the skies and look down at your flock, the Prince of the Air controls you
You stopped your heart long ago and your mind was the last to leave
As the serpent looked down from upon your crown, it’s poison made you deceived
For while you slept with the beast on your head, it dripped poison from it’s fangs to your ear
You surrendered your life to the things that are dead, your conscience completely seared
The rolls have reversed, you thought you’re the player, but you’ve become the serpent
You became what you thought you wont be and now, you wear the scales of the servant
He came as the snake but was playing to you with the he fruit he held in his hand
You partnered with him to be greater then me, but he robbed you for all that you had
That serpent has been with man since the dawn of time and fell the same way as you
He’s a friend to kings and rulers of such, and attempts to have them subdued
He flatters man with gold and sky-born flattery, and tempts them with the divine
For man naturally wants a redeemer in flesh; put their faith in the things that die
But the serpent wants man to have faith in man’s image, the glorious image of self
Intertwined with religion and spiritual things and the fallen creation itself
While we deny the serpent or accept his offer, he cares not for your self-seeking fame
He’ll bring you to ruin as he uses you to give himself a glorious name
What’s fallen is his as he chose to be greater and separate from me from the beginning
He’s blinded himself to the pride that he has in believing against me he’s winning
He chose to be separate from truth and life, and from love, faith and hope itself
All things from me, he chose to reject and be greater then me in this world
That’s why he was cast and down and commanded to crawl, as he usurped my gift to man
Dust is what he eats and speaks to the kings who make themselves salvation’s plan
Wisdom’s from me and folly’s from him but he works best as the master of mimicry
He’ll undermine the greatest of kings, unless that king is subjected to me
There is but one God, yet the serpent makes many to obtain the worship he desires
He hungers for glory but depraved of it, so he continually plans to aspire
To rule the world that’s truly not his, he does not have the power to create it
His power’s destruction, lust and murder; what’s mine: he truly does hate it
But you bow to his person when you seek for yourself a name that’s above other names
And he’ll come to you in the subtlest of ways so he can usurp your fame
For whenever man exalts himself, the trail of the serpent follows
And whatever glory you achieve, the light masquerader swallows!
For he’s spread across the earth under many different names and forms
But he’s worshipped as serpent in various faiths; so bow to him no more!
Those who fellowship with him, I say here’ by, ‘not mine’
As for those who know my name but then choose to dine
With the one who opposes all the things that I say and do
I say ‘Depart from me and go with him, I do not know you’!
© 4pm 18/9/09 Words By Jake Elliot, All Rights Reserved, (Registered With APRA)
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