Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Shepherd

Dear shepherd, I thank you, for tending to my needs
You showed me love and kindness through gentle, thoughtful deeds
Dear shepherd, you lead me, I’m thankful for your care
You’ve put me into ministry, your authority you share

Dear shepherd, I thank you - for giving me your work
You’ve equipped me so that I, can lead to feed the Word
You believe and guide me, to care for other sheep
So when I do your work, you can relax and sleep

Dear shepherd, it’s awesome that I’m doing what you do
But another flock down further, their shepherd acts untrue
I visited them once, and was shocked with what he fed them
The shepherd gave them poison and purposely misled them

Dear shepherd, do something, I ask you sincerely please
Your sheep check out this flock – please tell them all to cease
I’ve also noticed another shepherd, (my eyes possibly blurry)
For underneath his sheepskin clothes, his skin is very furry

Dear shepherd, I don’t trust him, His flock is big in size
But his ears and teeth are huge and has massive beady eyes
Your sheep are going to his flock, enticed by all his flatter
But his sheep are disappearing and that shepherd’s getting fatter

Dear shepherd, please do something – I can’t do it on my own
I do your music and ministry while you sleep on your clover throne
Please deal with other shepherds that are hurting all these sheep
You’re in a prime position for change – but still you wish to sleep?

Dear shepherd, why do you say that my - actions are so appalling?
Why am I in trouble with you, when I ask you to fulfill your calling?
I love your flock with all my heart and all the sheep up the road
So why am I in trouble with you when I’m doing your work load?

Dear shepherd, I haven’t seen you feed, your sheep for quite some time
Why am I leading all your sheep, if this is your flock, not mine?
Why am I taking out from your feed, things that can harm your sheep?
You’re the one that’s paid to work, instead I work- you sleep

Dear shepherd, your flock is leaving you and chasing others guides
I’m trying to address these issues, yet from me you run and hide
That shepherd with the furry skin, I’ve discovered he’s devouring
All the sheep that come to him – but when I tell you this, you’re cowering?

Dear shepherd, your sheep are starving, because you say I’m hassling you?
You’ve prevented me from feeding them – so I don’t know what to do
I’m trying not be strong with you and I don’t want to be rude
But your other sheep are bleating and are wanting milk and food

Dear shepherd, I believe in you - but you keep belittling me
It’s clear your sheep are starving, except the older three
One whispers what you want to hear, the others – I’m still in shock
Get fat on your favour and status, and ignore the entire flock!

Dear shepherd, I want to trust you - but I’m struggling to see
Where you’ve been for others and your support has been for me
I’m starving like the rest but don’t follow where they go
Please attend your sheep, teach them what they need to know!

DEAR SHEPHERD! I bring some tragic news: one of your sheep’s been eaten
That furry shepherd ate her whole and our sheep are getting beaten
By the one that poisons all his flock- your lambs are going there!
They prefer to eat his poison because you’ve shown them here no care!

Dear shepherd! Dear shepherd! Please help us all! I need to know your will
The other guides are coming closer and coming for the kill
These shepherds slowly circle us and are now looking at your sheep
But the more I try to warn you, you abuse me and insist on sleep

Dear shepherd, I am terrified and I don’t know how to stand
The furry shepherd is in our flocks and has revealed his claws – no hands!
While the shepherd feeding cyanide is now associates with you
You allow your rams be killed and the scattering of your ewes

… Dear shepherd, dare I speak my thoughts? I finally know your kin
You’ve given me your rod and staff and care not of your sin
You like the pay and prestige - but now the furry shepherds here
You left me for the slaughter as you run away in fear…

© 04/06/2012 Words and Music by Jake Elliot, All Rights Reserved, (Registered with APRA)

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