Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A sound that made ears bleed, assaulted the evening air
As pieces of flesh and shrapnel flew directions everywhere
The wails and screams of terror echoed and filled through the room
And the sounds of many feet were running from the boom

No time to think, no time to assess, all must flee from this disaster
People's irrational state, the enemies planned what would follow after
Their terrified victims poured to the streets where safety seemed to be
Not knowing this was their fate as they were snared by the enemy

A normal car overwhelmed with fire sent it's metal through soft flesh
More pain and fear erupted as more screams failed to express
The heinous schemes of terrorists, hitting the Bali Isle's
For terrorists are the masters of fear and hate, increasing our woes and wiles.

Fear makes us run from the enemy who his victim's he loves to scare
Know the shoes of the armour of God, for God is with you there
These shoes don't advance us, or bring the gospel to the needy or the lost
These Shoes of the Gospel of Peace ground us on the finished work of the cross

While the enemy strikes our heels and encourages us to run
God tells us "still your soul, in my peace you will overcome
For my peace is not man's peace, nor is it your own
It's a peace that passes all understanding and conquers fear alone"

"Know this Peace that is with you is both my Spirit and my Son
Our assurance is all you need to stand, don't go with the pack and run
Don't let man take away your peace, they use fear to to get their ways
For you are their income, their statistic and resource, their asset and their praise"

"When fear's used against you, don't run to the altar, the door or to the street
Look down and see what you're anchored upon by what you wear upon your feet
So stand steadfast in me, this armour IS MY SPIRIT and test what is said
Don't respond out of fear and emotional stress, or you'll find you'll wind up 'dead'."

... ~ ...

This irrational 'peace' is spoken of in irrational-wars of old
Where to simply stand in the midst of fear, turned men into gold
This gift of Peace is Jesus Christ where on that cross he ceased
The enmity between God and man, revealing His name as Peace

This is the gospel in which we stand where fear cannot have hold
For when we cry out for God's peace, He will still our troubled souls
Fear and emotion wont conquer us as our Christ-mindedness kicks in
In those fearful circumstances all our focus is on Him

When we stand, we live the gospel and give other's strength to believe
That the God we believe is alive and giving peace to those who receive
The shoes are practical in our daily life, the things we hear, see and do
They prevent us from following the stampede of fear, as we stand on what is true

The shoes of the gospel of peace aren't to bring the gospel - that is error
The shoes are ARMOUR, not a gospel to masses, so we can stand through times of terror
They stop us from striving and running - causing the enemies plans to cease
KNOW what you wear on the soles of your feet, God Himself - the Shoes of Peace

© 2pm 19/4/2010 Words By Jake Elliot, All Rights Reserved, (Registered With APRA)

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